So what is this?

Welcome to Seven Moms. We are seven friends that regularly share our life stress and chaos, prayer requests, and general vent-type stuff with each other. One friend said, "Hey, I think we have a bunch of wisdom that we can share with other people. Why don't we start a blog?"

We write just once a month, all on the same topic, and no one sees the others' blog posts until they are posted here, to remove that awful comparison monster and to let the Holy Spirit do His thing. Some months we only have five posts, some we have all seven. But in the midst of life, sometimes posts don't get written. And if we are one thing, we are real.

So here we are. We don't have all the answers, but we do love people and Jesus with pretty much all we have. Enjoy our blogs and let us know what you think, either by leaving a comment or emailing us at Thanks!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Transformation -- Terri

Nobody likes the ugly.

We bake a lot in our family, and one thing we make is “ugly muffins,” which is devil’s food cake mix and pumpkin.  The batter is so dense that they pretty much look the same when they come out as when they went in. They are so very good! 
But we call them ugly muffins because they don’t look like pretty little pink cupcakes.

I would much rather have a pretty little pink cupcake life, too.  One that sails along with minor, first-world problems that are easily resolved.  Bad hair day?  No problem.  I have to budget carefully and take my lunch to work some days?  Got it.  I watch one too many episodes of home remodeling shows and want a new kitchen?  Totally resolvable.

It’s just when I slide into problems that actually require thought and prayer and a little bit of suffering that I get uncomfortable.  Or when God shows me that I really do have a problem where I thought I “had it.” 

For example, being a servant.  I thought I was Suzy Servant, and by golly I just love everyone and how can I serve you today.  Then came Zeus, a furry eleven pounds of barking machine. 

Through a series of events too boring to relate, a lovely woman has rented my brother’s house behind where I live.  One night, while she was flying home after a weekend trip, her daughter brought Zeus to our house and “my key won’t work and my giant dogs will eat Zeus so can you watch him for a few hours.” 

“Sure, no problem.” GAAAAAAAAKKKKK!!!!

Because of the allergies people at our house have, I sat outside  with our dog Dixie and Zeus (who is kind of her boyfriend) until it got dark.  And then the phone call to let us know Zeus would be with us for a few more hours due to a delay in her flight.  Keep in mind that 90% of the time Zeus spent with us was barking.  Incessant barking. 

I learned a hard lesson that night.  I am not happy super servant.  I am good at being happy super servant when it’s something I want to do, but when circumstances rub me the wrong way, then I am cranky and not so happy faking-it-till-I-make-it servant.

God is continually transforming my life, and I am so thankful for that!  But when it hurts a little, or a lot, or it’s inconvenient or not fun, I balk.  But God is changing that in me, and the first step is to recognize the problem. 

So, hi, everyone.  MY name is Terri and I need to be more servant like, more ugly muffin like, less expectant of pink icing.

Is it easy for you to be a servant?  What are some verses that help you keep the big picture in mind?


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