Her heart grew three sizes that day.
Our first child was born early on a Sunday morning, Mother’s Day 1992. I remember thinking how I couldn’t believe I was officially becoming a mother on that day, of all days. When it was time to bring our baby home, I couldn’t believe the hospital was going to allow me to take him home without an instruction manual or at least some sort of mothering coach for the first few days. I didn’t have much experience with babies. It took two of us to change him those first few weeks and it was ‘on the job training’ from the first day. Fortunately, for the second arrival, my mothering skills had considerably improved.
What I did not expect was how much I could love these tiny people who had been entrusted to me. I thought I knew what love was and then I had children. All through those early years, I came to understand that as much as I loved them, God loved them, and me, even more. As extravagant as I thought my love was, His was and is even greater. To finally have an inkling of understanding of what it felt like to be loved by God, was wonderfully overwhelming. Knowledge of the depth of His Grace gripped my heart and I have never recovered.
I think God will use whatever means necessary to bring understanding of His love to a heart and, for me, it was and continues to be through a blond haired, blue eyed girl and boy. Hebrews:15For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
So what is this?
Welcome to Seven Moms. We are seven friends that regularly share our life stress and chaos, prayer requests, and general vent-type stuff with each other. One friend said, "Hey, I think we have a bunch of wisdom that we can share with other people. Why don't we start a blog?"
We write just once a month, all on the same topic, and no one sees the others' blog posts until they are posted here, to remove that awful comparison monster and to let the Holy Spirit do His thing. Some months we only have five posts, some we have all seven. But in the midst of life, sometimes posts don't get written. And if we are one thing, we are real.
So here we are. We don't have all the answers, but we do love people and Jesus with pretty much all we have. Enjoy our blogs and let us know what you think, either by leaving a comment or emailing us at sevenmomsblog@gmail.com. Thanks!
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