I see dandelions in the morning and all of their little heads are turned towards the sun taking it in; just like we should be. Turned towards the Son and taking it all in. Dandelions may be useless and a nuisance in the world’s eyes, but God made them and in their own little way they reflect His glory and point towards Him.
I would rather be a dandelion always looking towards and reflecting the Son than the prettiest rose hiding in the shade. I have two little, bitty rose stems that grow by my front porch. Don’t know how they got there. They just started growing. They both put out one single yellow rose twice a year. I love yellow roses because they remind me of my earthly daddy. But the homely dandelion always reminds me of my heavenly Father. I am that homely dandelion. I get in people’s way. I feel pretty useless sometimes- like I am just taking up space on terra firma. But God (don’t you love those two words?) doesn’t see me that way. I guess I could choose to look at dandelions as weeds, but I don’t. They are a beautiful reminder of a Father who cares for all, regardless of how people may label them.
I love the book Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. I think a fan of Jesus probably looks nice and will give God credit for how nice she looks and for what she does at church. But a Follower of Jesus not only gives God the credit for any good in herself and her life, but always reflects any glory back to God. We, in ourselves, are not capable of any lasting good. In Romans 7:19, Paul is lamenting on how he keeps doing the very same bad things that he doesn’t want to do over and over. The APOSTLE PAUL! If he can’t get it right, who can? We can. But only through God and a daily denying of self and surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s work in our life. You see, dandelions don’t need any outside help to be beautiful. Nobody fertilizes them, at least not on purpose. Nobody sets the timer on their sprinklers to make sure that their dandelions receive the correct amount of water each week. God takes care of them. All of their sustenance and care comes from Him and in return, they bloom each morning and shine their little faces up toward Him in appreciation.
Until next month, may “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
Until next month, may “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
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