If you met me you’d be surprised to find out that I am actually a little bit of a hippy. Not the peace sign wearing, Volkswagen van driving kind; but the kind that believes love is the greatest force known to mankind. Call me a sap, but I really do believe, love moves mountains.
A new year has dawned and with it a time when most of us take stock of our lives and purpose to do better in the upcoming year. We start strong with new diets and exercise programs. I personally am eating Greek yogurt and
homemade granola as I write this. (See, the homemade granola is further evidence of my hippy roots.) We tell ourselves that we will spend more time on the things that matter, and we will worry less about the things that don’t. Those of us that are a little older see time rushing by and we want to make the most of every moment. Those who are young, see the future with all of its possibilities and decide they will change the world, or at least their little piece of it.
homemade granola as I write this. (See, the homemade granola is further evidence of my hippy roots.) We tell ourselves that we will spend more time on the things that matter, and we will worry less about the things that don’t. Those of us that are a little older see time rushing by and we want to make the most of every moment. Those who are young, see the future with all of its possibilities and decide they will change the world, or at least their little piece of it.
We start strong, and we are intentional. But for most of us, experts say about 88% of us, the strength fades as do our intentions and pretty soon we are back to the same old way of doing life. We are creatures of both habit and comfort and unless something radical forces us to change, most of us are woefully content to stay right where we are.
So, as we focus on new beginnings, I want to propose something radical to you, something that will change your life forever. Whether you have been a believer for years or you have only encountered people who call themselves Christians, invest your energy in one thing this year. Focus on the absolute absurdity of God’s grace to you. Don’t do this once and move on, do it daily. God’s grace to us, a desperately sinful people, is the absolute source of all that is life giving.
When we come face to face with the honest truth about who we really are, not who we want others to think we are, not even who we have deluded ourselves into believing we are; and we contrast that to the absolute magnificence of who God is and what He has done for us, a funny thing happens. Love takes over.
That love is a supernatural love. It is a love that will change a person, and in turn a love that will overflow to impact the world around you. If you want to see your marriage restored, fall in love with Jesus. If you want to see the hungry fed, fall in love with Jesus. If you want the strength to conquer a habit, fall in love with Jesus.
If you want an exercise program that will yield out of this world results. Linger at the cross, knees bent, eyes up. Soak it in. Get up and walk and when you trip and fall. Repeat the process.
Love really is the answer.
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