So what is this?

Welcome to Seven Moms. We are seven friends that regularly share our life stress and chaos, prayer requests, and general vent-type stuff with each other. One friend said, "Hey, I think we have a bunch of wisdom that we can share with other people. Why don't we start a blog?"

We write just once a month, all on the same topic, and no one sees the others' blog posts until they are posted here, to remove that awful comparison monster and to let the Holy Spirit do His thing. Some months we only have five posts, some we have all seven. But in the midst of life, sometimes posts don't get written. And if we are one thing, we are real.

So here we are. We don't have all the answers, but we do love people and Jesus with pretty much all we have. Enjoy our blogs and let us know what you think, either by leaving a comment or emailing us at Thanks!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Beginnings -- Yvonne

Well, it's that time of year again....New year, new starts, new beginnings!
I mean who doesn't like second, third, and fourth chances! The new year affords us a restart, a fresh slate to try something new or to revisit areas of our lives that need changing.

I'm not just talking about dieting, working out, committing to daily devotions, having more family time, those are all great and much needed.

But what about asking God to renew you!!! Renew how you think about what you eat, how little or much you move your body, how you approach Him in your every day life, your motivation behind family time. How we think shows up in our actions. I can "change" my behavior (actions) for only so long but eventually my thinking will win out. This is why diets don't work but lifestyle changes do. 

Where do you need a new beginning? Is it in your marriage, your relationship with one of your children, financial decisions, or a bad habit, etc.....?

Why don't you pray about that concern? Ask God how has your thinking (mind set) played a role in that situation. Look up Scriptures to commit to memory to help renew your mind and give you hope. 

Romans 12:1 The Message Paraphrase 
So, here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take everyday, ordinary life-and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out!

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